Saturday, November 12, 2011

Video (Part 1) – Using a Dataview with a Keystroke Inventory Export to Auto Generate Keys

This 11:17 Video walks through using a Dataview to display a list of Keystroke inventory items.

The dataview is a scrolling list that can display data from various datasources.  In this video we use a Keystroke inventory export as the data source, and setup a dataview with a macro that adds the selected item to the current invoice when touched/clicked.

The steps covered in the video are:
·         Export the Keystrok inventory
o   This creates the qtpexport.txt file we will use as a datasource
·         Create a QwikTouchPro datasource for the qtpexport.txt file
o   This file tells QwikTouchPro where to find the export file and how to read it
·         Create an item template
o   A small template that tells the dataview how to display the items
·         Add a dataview using the datasource and item template

You can update/add/remove keys to the dataview by updating your Keystroke inventory and then re-running the export.  You can refresh your inventory (re-run ksexport.exe) from QwikTouchPro using macros and/or timers to keep your inventory keys as update to date as you need them to be.

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